The healing power of pets: 6 key health benefits

From lowering blood pressure to relieving anxiety and depression, the healing power of pets is real:

Discover five key health benefits pets bring.


How owning pets can lead to a healthier lifestyle

Pets play a huge role in creating a healthy lifestyle. In fact, studies have shown that pet ownership can enhance fitness levels, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, relieve stress, improve mental and heart health, and boost overall happiness and well-being. Evidence also suggests that connections to pets provide good social support — an important factor in helping you stick with new health habits.


How Pets Help Alleviate Anxiety and Depression

Pets are more than just companions; they are a source of comfort and healing for many. At New Outlook Counseling, we understand that pets can play a significant role in managing mental health issues. The constant presence of a pet can greatly diminish feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are often associated with anxiety and depression. Moreover, the daily routines and responsibilities of pet care provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, helping individuals to focus on positive activities and engagements outside of their personal struggles. Pets offer unconditional love and support, creating a nonjudgmental space for emotional expression and recovery. Their ability to encourage physical activity and social interactions also contributes to improved mental health, making them invaluable partners in the journey towards wellness.